Posted in Personal Growth, Uncategorized

Ya’ll it’s Friday and February

So let’s recap how January has gone and discuss what the intentions for 2019 are.

Small win #1

Fitness wise I am proud to say that I have made it a point to workout at least 4 times a week before heading to work.

Small win #2

Start today journaling has been consistent during the week. If you’re not familiar with this- you list 5 things you are grateful for and 10 dreams you’ve made happen (while they’ve not happened, you write them as if they have).

Small win #3

Only one week so far, but lunch has been packed daily.

Small win #4

Currently on step 2 of 4 towards completing induction to the National Society of Leadership and Success

Small win #5

Made it through January and am currently typing this from my elliptical.

The month was obviously filled with more moments than that, but those were my personal wins. Which is the point of this post- what small wins are you making and acknowledging in your personal life daily? As moms or busy adults it’s easy to overlook the things we’re doing well that we focus on the things that we feel defeated by. You think “well I’m supposed to be doing those things”, maybe but I was never issued a handbook with these kids. So if you packed a lunch or got in the workout- yay you!!!

You are rocking it today and if you miss one day, you have tomorrow or this afternoon. You don’t have to wait until next year. Be intentional daily.

Happy Friday Ya’ll!


Mother, wife, teacher firewalker.

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